Your name in japanese Sarah Jane
How is Sarah Jane written in japanese?
Sarah Jane in japanese katakana:
Sarah Jane in japanese hiragana:
How to pronounce Sarah Jane in japanese?
Sarah Jane transcribed to romaji:
Pronunciation of Sarah Jane in japanese:
Pictures of the name Sarah Jane in japanese:
Sarah Jane in japanese katakana:
Sarah Jane in japanese hiragana:
Example sentences that contain Sarah Jane in japanese:
Sarah Jane's friend has eight dogs
sara・n no yūjin wa 8 biki no inu o motte imasu
Sarah Jane and Israel are very good friends
sara・n to isuraeru wa totemo yoi tomodachidesu
Sarah Jane now also in chinese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Sarah Jane in chinese!
Go to see Sarah Jane in chineseOther names in japanese:
Name | Characters |
Pilar | ピラル |
Roberto | ロバート |
Dario | ダリウス |
Diego | ディエゴ |
Maria Dolores | マリア・ドロレス |
Juliana | ジュリアナ |
Amparo | アムパロ |
Carles | カルレス |
Maria Teresa | マリア・テレジア |
Jose Maria | ホセ・マリア |